Borrowing someone else’s car is a convenient way to get from point A to point B when you don’t have a vehicle. This can make it easy to continue living your life if you are in an accident or your car is at the shop. However, driving a vehicle without proper coverage can lead to several problems. Learn how auto insurance works when you borrow someone’s car to ensure you don’t lose your license.
Permissive Use
Most insurance policies have a "permissive use" clause. This means that someone who only uses the vehicle occasionally is still covered if they are in an accident. Their insurance should kick in up to the coverage limits, and you shouldn’t lose your license for driving without insurance. However, ensuring the other person has the necessary coverage is crucial.
Strict Exclusions
While many companies have a permissive use exclusion, some refuse to cover drivers not listed on the auto policy. This exclusion also applies to family members or spouses not listed on the policy. Ask an agent at The Insurance House if other people will be covered when driving your car.
Vehicle Use
Many Tucson, AZ auto insurance companies have specific policies for certain uses. For example, people who use their vehicle for ridesharing apps like Uber may need special coverage. Many owners must have commercial auto insurance if they use their vehicle for anything other than personal use. If the person borrowing your car uses it for something your insurance company hasn’t approved, they might not be covered.
Get Coverage in Arizona at The Insurance House
Whether another person’s auto insurance policy covers them depends on the policy limitations and what the person uses the vehicle for. Contact a professional at The Insurance House to learn more. We currently serve the Tucson, AZ, area.